What is T45 flour and is it different from ‘Maida’?
SwissBake® T45 is a special French styled Type 45 flour that is soft & fine and perfect for making high quality cakes and sweets. Its gluten content and granulation has been carefully regulated to give excellent and consistent results in cakes and confectionery. ‘Maida’ is a generic product available in the market and its technical parameters are not carefully monitored for specific applications.
What’s the protein content of SwissBake® T45 flour?
This cake flour contains protein in the range of 7% to 8%. It is finely milled using soft wheat varieties with lower protein content.
Is SwissBake® T45 flour bleached?
No, we do not use any bleaching agent like peroxides or chlorine to whiten this flour. It’s completely natural and clean label
What are the advantages of using this flour?
Being finely milled and lower in protein, this flour gives your cakes light, fine crumb texture with short & soft bite. It’s a perfect cake flour for sponges, pastries, brioche and cake varieties.
What distinguishes SwissBake® French-Style Type 45 Flour from other flours?
SwissBake® French-Style Type 45 Flour isa specially formulated confectionery & bakery flour which stands out due to its ultra-fine granulated texture and pristine white appearance. It has been crafted meticulously from soft wheat varieties with lower protein and ash content to ensure that it provides consistent results across every baking application
How does the lower protein content of this flour impact baked goods?
The lower protein content in SwissBake® Type 45 Flour results in a soft texture and a fine crumb structure, making your cakes, pastries, viennoiseries and confectionaries tender & delightful.
What are the key characteristics of SwissBake® Type 45 Flour that make it suitable for artisan baking?
SwissBake® French-Style Type 45 Flour is known for its ultra-fine granulation, low ash content & low gluten content, ensuring consistent and professional-grade results in artisan baking.