Multskorn Brot 50 - 300 GMS
WATER - 600–650 GMS
Fresh Yeast - 30 GMS (or Dry Yeast - 12 GMS)
Chia seeds
• Preheat oven to 240°C with steam.
• Place all ingredients into a spiral mixer. Mix on slow speed for 4 minutes. Mix on high speed for 6 minutes. Dough temperature: 24°C–26°C.
• Rest the dough for 30-45 minutes, covered.
• Divide dough into 450 gm pieces. shape into rustic boules or batards and place them on a floured linen or baking tray.
• Final proof at 30°C with 75% humidity for 40 minutes.
• Shape into rustic boules or batards and place them on a floured linen or baking tray
• Load the breads into the oven and immediately reduce the temperature to 200°C (falling temperature).
• Bake for 30–35 minutes, adding steam at the start for a crisp crust.
• Check for a hollow sound when tapped on the bottom, indicating the loaves are fully baked.